Friday, April 28, 2006

Show 26 Friday 28 April

Watch today's show at grouper or YouTube.


Kia Ora. In Stick News today it’s spring in Japan, and the perfect time for a party. About 2000 people rocked on at a party yesterday with the emperor.

This is Akihito. He is the emperor of Japan and the world's only reigning emperor.
He is an amateur specialist of ichthyology and has published many books about fish.
He’s 72 years old. But he still likes to party. And yesterday he invited about 2000 friends over for his annual spring garden bash at the Akasaka imperial garden.
Emperor Akihito spent 90 minutes walking along a line of guests chatting.

Staff at the Daily English Show were expecting to be invited to the party. But despite checking the letter box daily, the invitation… never arrived.

conversations with sarah
# 20 What do you want to know?

Sarah’s co-worker Taka asks her about New Zealand.
Step 1: Repeat Taka’s lines.
Step 2: Read Taka’s lines on the screen and talk to Sarah!

Taka You’re from New Zealand aren’t you?

Sarah Yes, I am.

Taka I’m thinking of going there this year.

Sarah Oh, really?

Taka Could you tell me a bit about New Zealand?

Sarah Sure. What do you want to know?

Taka Sorry?

Sarah What would you like to know?

Taka Oh, um, well, what are the most popular sports?

Sarah Sports? Um, well, I guess rugby is the most popular.

Taka Oh yes, rugby. I’ve heard of the All Blacks. They’re a good team aren’t they?

Sarah Yeah, apparently.

Taka Do you like rugby?

Sarah Mmm. Not really.


Read today's news here.

Read about ichthyology here.

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