Sunday, October 31, 2010

#1351 Marmite Chip Sandwich

The latest version of this transcript has been moved here:

Sunday Kitchen #180 Marmite Chip Sandwich

Have you ever had a chip sandwich?

I hadn’t eaten one for years, so I decided to buy some chips and bread and make one.
I made a Marmite chip sandwich. I’m not sure if I’ve ever had one of these before.

First I spread Olivani on a piece of bread, then Marmite. And then I opened a packet of chips and put 5 chips on the bread. Then I put another piece of bread on top and I pressed it together so that the chips wouldn’t all fall out when I picked it up.

I could’ve just eaten it like that, but I decided to get a little bit fancy and I cut it into triangles and put it on a plate.

It tasted OK, but I’m not a huge chip sandwich fan. I think I’d rather eat chips and sandwiches separately.


show start
artist: Kevin MacLeod
track: Future Cha Cha
from: Brooklyn, NY, United States
artist site

qa bgm
artist: Antonio Sacco
album: The Tribal Sin Vol.8
track: jungle love
from: Rieti, Italy
artist site

Did you notice a mistake in this script? Please leave us a comment and tell us! We really appreciate people pointing out our mistakes. Thank you.

Have you translated this script - or part of it - into your language for English practice and published it on your blog? Please leave a comment and a link so other people can read your translation. Thank you.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

#1350 Five English Conjunctions: Despite, Furthermore, On Account Of, Seeing As, Whereas

The latest version of this transcript has been moved here:

#1350 Five English Conjunctions: Despite, Furthermore, On Account Of, Seeing As, Whereas

despite the fact that
even though
neither nor

Arizona judge issues warrant for Lil Wayne despite the fact that the rapper is currently in New York jail

despite the fact that
even though


Furthermore, while social class is tricky, the folks who make political ads like this are great at subtly encoding class markers into it.

in addition

on account of

I have been refused a mortgage solely on account of my age.

on account of sth
because of sth

seeing as

A somewhat surprising upset seeing as the Miami Heat has gotten a facelift over the summer.

seeing as


Sprinters will often train for just an hour a day, whereas an endurance athlete will train for three hours or more.

in contrast or comparison with the fact that


show start
artist: Kevin MacLeod
track: Future Cha Cha
from: Brooklyn, NY, United States
artist site

qa bgm
artist: Dj Vinilo
album: Minimal Beach
track: Beta Beat
album at Jamendo
artist at Jamendo

Did you notice a mistake in this script? Please leave us a comment and tell us! We really appreciate people pointing out our mistakes. Thank you.

Have you translated this script - or part of it - into your language for English practice and published it on your blog? Please leave a comment and a link so other people can read your translation. Thank you.

Friday, October 29, 2010

#1349 Two Out Of Three Ain’t Bad, Google CEO: 'Just Move', Hoarse Vs Horse

The latest version of this transcript has been moved here:

Hi, I’m Sarah, welcome to The Daily English Show.

Today we’re studying a song called Two Out Of Three Ain’t Bad. This song came out in 1977 and it’s by an American musician called Meat Loaf.

I think it’s quite a sad song. A guy is telling a girl that he’ll never love her. And he says that he was in love with a girl once but she broke his heart.

There's only one girl that I will ever love
And that was so many years ago
And though I know I'll never get her out of my heart
She never loved me back

I think it’s an interesting song to study because it tells a story.

I remember how she left me on a stormy night
She kissed me and got out of our bed
Though I pleaded and I begged her not to walk out that door
She packed her bags and turned right away

I read what people had written about this song on Song Meanings and someone said that the girl who he’s singing to now and the girl from his past – the one that broke his heart - is the same girl, which makes sense to me.

So this girl broke his heart in the past, by saying that she could never love him, and now she’s changed her mind, but he says it’s too late.

I want you
I need you
But there ain't no way I'm ever gonna love you
Now don't be sad
Cause two out of three ain't bad

What do you think? Do you think it’s the same girl?


Kia ora in Stick News today the CEO of Google has been criticized for a comment he made while talking about Google Street View.

Eric Schmidt was recently interviewed on a program on CNN.
He was asked about privacy issues and at one point said: Street View, we drive exactly once . . . So, you can just move, right?
That quote was then reported by news organizations around the world.
Eric Schmidt says he misspoke.

And that was Stick News for Friday the 29th of October.
Kia ora.

Can you read my email?
Why would I want to read your boring-ass email?

Sorry, boss, I’ve looked at the whole interview and he doesn’t say anything bad.
Then take a quote out of context! We need a “Google is evil” story.

Word of the Day

Today’s word is hoarse.

You know what a horse is, right? It’s a big animal.

Well, hoarse has the same pronunciation, but it’s spelt differently and the meaning is different.

Hoarse is an adjective to describe a person or a voice.

sounding harsh, especially because of a sore throat

So if you go to a concert and scream a lot, the next day you might be hoarse.

This is from today’s song:

I tried to show you just how much I care
I'm tired of words and I'm too hoarse to shout

friday joke

We’re looking for someone who is responsible.

Then I’m definitely the right person for the job. In my last job, whenever anything went wrong, they said I was responsible.

conversations with sarah
#863 That sounds interesting

Step 1: Repeat Francis’s lines.
Step 2: Read Francis’s lines and talk to Sarah.

Francis Do you like Meat Loaf?

Sarah Mmm, kind of. I’m not a huge fan. Do you know what that song reminds me of?

Francis What?

Sarah I had this job once, just for a couple of months, working for a radio station ringing people up and doing a survey and we had to play people bits of songs and this was one of the songs.

Francis That sounds interesting.

Sarah Uh, no it was sooo boring listening to the same songs over and over.


And that was The Daily English Show. Thank you for watching and thank you for your comments – I always enjoy reading them.
See you tomorrow! Bye.

Meat Loaf - Two Out Of Three Ain’t Bad - LYRICS

Baby we can talk all night
But that ain't getting us nowhere
I told you everything I possibly can
There's nothing left inside of here

And maybe you can cry all night
But that'll never change the way that I feel
The snow is really piling up outside
I wish you wouldn't make me leave here

I poured it on and I poured it out
I tried to show you just how much I care
I'm tired of words and I'm too hoarse to shout
But you've been cold to me so long
I'm crying icicles instead of tears

And all I can do
Is keep on telling you
I want you (I want you)
I need you (I need you)
But-there ain't no way I'm ever gonna love you
Now don't be sad (Don't be sad)
Cause two out of three ain't bad
Now don't be sad (Cause)
Cause two out of three ain't bad

You'll never find your gold on a sandy beach
You'll never drill for oil on a city street
I know you're looking for a ruby in a mountain of rocks
But there ain't no Coup de Ville
Hiding at the bottom of a Cracker Jack box

I can't lie
I can't tell you that I'm something I'm not
No matter how I try
I'll never be able
To give you something
Something that I just haven't got

Well, there's only one girl that I will ever love
And that was so many years ago
And though I know I'll never get her out of my heart
She never loved me back

Ooh I know

Well, I remember how she left me on a stormy night
Oh, she kissed me and got out of our bed
And though I pleaded and I begged her not to walk out that door
She packed her bags and turned right away

And she kept on telling me
She kept on telling me
She kept on telling me
I want you (I want you)
I need you (I need you)
But there ain't no way I'm ever gonna love you
Now don't be sad (Don't be sad)
Cause two out of three ain't bad
I want you (I want you)
I need you (I need you)
But there ain't no way I'm ever gonna love you
Now don't be sad (Don't be sad)
Cause two out of three ain't bad
Now don't be sad (Don't)
Cause two out of three ain't bad
Baby we can talk all night
But that ain't getting us nowhere


today's news


show start
artist: Kevin MacLeod
track: Future Cha Cha
from: Brooklyn, NY, United States
artist site

WOD start
artist: DJ iPep's
album: Home Mix 2007
track: Game Toy
from: EVREUX, France
album at Jamendo
artist at Jamendo
artist site

friday joke start
artist: AdHoc
album: Toutes directions
track: Sumbala
from: Annecy, France
album at Jamendo
artist at Jamendo
artist site

cws start
artist: Kevin MacLeod
track: The Jazz Woman
from: Brooklyn, NY, United States
artist site

qa start
artist: ioeo
album: triptracks
track: triptrack2
from: Saint Raphael, France
album at Jamendo
artist at Jamendo

qa bgm
artist: Antonio Sacco
album: The Tribal Sin Vol.8
track: jungle love
from: Rieti, Italy
artist site

Did you notice a mistake in this script? Please leave us a comment and tell us! We really appreciate people pointing out our mistakes. Thank you.

Have you translated this script - or part of it - into your language for English practice and published it on your blog? Please leave a comment and a link so other people can read your translation. Thank you.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

#1348 Lightning Vs Lightening, Ugly Dance, Espresso Vs Expresso, Eggplant Vs Aubergine

The latest version of this transcript has been moved here:

Hi, I’m Sarah, welcome to The Daily English Show.

Today we’re studying a video called Lightning Versus Lightening from The Grammar Girl channel on YouTube.

The Grammar Girl is Mignon Fogarty. She makes a very popular podcast about grammar called: Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing.

And she’s also written a book. This is her site.

In this video she explains the difference between lightning and lightening.

Do you ever get those two words mixed up? I guess it’s more common to get them confused if you live in North America because they have the same pronunciation in American English.

Lightning, with no e, is the stuff that flashes in the sky, or that people draw on their faces. And lightening, with an e, is what happens when you bleach your hair.

If you do have trouble remembering which is which, Grammar Girl has a good tip. She says to think of a lightening bolt zapping out the letter e.


Kia ora in Stick News today a group of German high school students has won the Ugly Dance World Cup.

This year ten teams competed in the Ugly Dance World Cup in Germany.
The winning group was from a town in northwestern Germany.
Organizers said the group won because of their epic ugliness, horrible appearance and their signature move - the Shy Dance.

And that was Stick News for Thursday the 28th of October.
Kia ora.

Is your ugly face part of the costume?
Oooh! Did it take you all day to think of that one?

My team won the World Cup!
Mmm similar

I’d like to thank myself for being God’s Gift!
Aw, bless, even the speech is ugly.

Word of the Day

Today’s word is espresso.

Another one of The Grammar Girl’s videos is called: Is It Espresso or Expresso?
And she says it should be espresso. And the word comes from the Italian for pressed out.

But in the Concise Oxford Dictionary under espresso it has in brackets (also expresso). So I guess the x is also acceptable. But still, I would recommend using an s, especially if you’re writing it on a board in a café - I think it looks kind of amateur to use an x.

Question Time

We filmed today’s question time in a suburb in Auckland called Parnell.

In New Zealand this vegetable is usually called an eggplant or an aubergine – but I wasn’t sure which one was more common. So we decided to take one to the streets and ask people: What do you usually call this?

Zucchini? No? What is it? I don’t know.
Um, well, it’s either an eggplant or an aubergine.
And which one do you usually call it?

Ah, either an eggplant or an aubergine.
And what do you usually call it?
Probably an eggplant.


It’s an eggplant, right?

Um, an eggplant or an aubergine.
Which one do you usually use?
Usually eggplant.

Ah, pomegranate. No, I’m just making that up – I have no clue.
I actually cooked two of these in the last week. He’s, ah, crazy. It’s eggplant. We call it eggplant in Los Angeles.

I call that an eggplant.

conversations with sarah
#867 Why not aubergine?

Step 1: Repeat Dylan’s lines.
Step 2: Read Dylan’s lines and talk to Sarah.

Dylan What do you usually call it?

Sarah These days I usually say eggplant.

Dylan Why not aubergine?

Sarah I think I used to say aubergine, but then when I want to Japan most people seemed to learn eggplant, so when I was speaking English I usually said eggplant, and now I just say it out of habit I guess.

Dylan What is it in Japanese?

Sarah Nasu.


And that was The Daily English Show. If you’d like to subscribe to the show as a podcast, you can find out how to do that one this page.
See you tomorrow, bye!

Lightning Versus Lightening - TRANSCRIPT

Hi, it’s Mignon Fogarty with your Grammar Girl bonus track number 35.
One thing I like about living in Reno is the cool lightning we get in the summer.
I find those bolts of light from the sky to be endlessly entertaining.

The word lightning is quite old. The Oxford English Dictionary dates its first use as a noun to describe light from the sky to 1377. Back then in Middle English spelling was dramatically different from our modern English spelling. Lightning was spelt with a y and a letter we don’t even use today, called the yogh, that kind of looks like the number 3, and eventually got replaced with our current letters gh. So way back in the 1300s, lightning was spelled l-i-(yogh)-t-n-y-n-g-e.

Today there are two forms of the word lightning and people often get them confused. Dictionaries say that long ago the two words were spelled the same. They both come from the word light which goes back even further, all the way to Old English before the year 900.

But today, the lightning we’ve been talking about, the bolt from the sky, doesn’t have an e. It’s spelled l-i-g-h-t-n-i-n-g. The other kind of lightening, what women do when they get their hair bleached for example, is spelled with an e: l-i-g-h-t-e-n-i-n-g.

Lightning without an e can also be a metaphor for something that’s fast. Games, games shows, and even TV shows often have a lightning round. One of the earliest game shows to have a lightning round was the show Password in 1961. And Lightning McQueen was the name of one of the racers in the movie Cars.
Two of my favourite quotations about lightning come from Mark Twain. The first quotation is about writing. He said, “The difference between the right word and the almost right word is a really large matter. It’s the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.
The second quotation is about humanity and I like it despite Twain’s rough word choice. He said, “The trouble ain’t that there’s too many fools but that lightning ain’t distributed right.”

So don’t be a fool, and remember to spell lightning properly. If you’re writing about someone lightening hair, it’s spelled with an e. But if you’re writing about Percy Jackson and the Olympians, the lightning thief, it’s spelled without the e.
My agent, Laurie Abkemeier, came up with a good memory trick. She said just think of a lightning bolt zapping out the letter e. Thanks Laurie, and thanks all of you for watching.


today's news

Grammar Girl - Twitter


show start
artist: Kevin MacLeod
track: Future Cha Cha
from: Brooklyn, NY, United States
artist site

WOD start
artist: DJ iPep's
album: Home Mix 2007
track: Game Toy
from: Évreux, France
album at Jamendo
artist at Jamendo
artist site

cws start
artist: Kevin MacLeod
track: The Jazz Woman
from: Brooklyn, NY, United States
artist site

qa start
artist: ioeo
album: triptracks
track: triptrack2
from: Saint-Raphaël, France
album at Jamendo
artist at Jamendo

qa bgm
artist: Antonio Sacco
album: The Tribal Sin Vol.8
track: jungle love
from: Rieti, Italy
artist site

Did you notice a mistake in this script? Please leave us a comment and tell us! We really appreciate people pointing out our mistakes. Thank you.

Have you translated this script - or part of it - into your language for English practice and published it on your blog? Please leave a comment and a link so other people can read your translation. Thank you.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

#1347 Lose Vs Loose, 404 Pages, Bert + Ernie Out Of Closet? Cakeage

The latest version of this transcript has been moved here:

Hi, I’m Sarah, welcome to The Daily English Show.

For some reason I signed up to a newsletter for a local bar and they send out a weekly newsletter encouraging you to come to the bar and part of it says: with nothing to loose and a great night out to gain.

Can you see the mistake there?
Yes, lose only has one o. This is actually a mistake I made on one of the early shows - it was back in ‘06 I think.

So, please remember, lose has one o and loose has two.

If you lose weight, your ring might become loose and then you could lose it.

click here

Today I recommend you check out an article on Mashable called: 35 Entertaining 404 Error Pages.

Do you know what a 404 message is?

It is an: HTTP standard response code indicating that the client was able to communicate with the server, but the server could not find what was requested.

So, yeah, it’s basically the message that you get when the page you’re looking for has moved or disappeared or something.

I think most sites have a fairly standard message - but they’ve listed some of the funny ones.

I think the one on is pretty funny. It says: Boy, you sure are stupid. Were you just making up names of files or what? I mean, I’ve seen some pretend file names in my day, but come on! It’s like you’re not even trying.


Kia ora in Stick News today apparently Bert and Ernie have come out of the closet.

Bert and Ernie are puppets on the children’s TV show Sesame Street.
They live together an apartment and used to sleep in the same bed.
There’s been speculation for years that Bert and Ernie are gay, but the program’s makers have always denied this.
According to news reports, some people are now convinced that the Muppets have come out via Twitter.
Ernie tweeted: Ever notice how similar my hair is to Mr T's? The only difference is that mine is a little more 'mo', and a little less 'hawk'."

And that was Stick News for Wednesday the 27th of October.
Kia ora.

Bert and Ernie are puppets, not humans.

How inspiring! I think I'll come out via Twitter too!
You're inspired by puppets ...

Why don't you tweet, "We're gay!" That would be easier to understand.
Cos then we'd be fired, fool.

Word of the Day

Today’s word is cakeage.

The other day I went to a restaurant to celebrate my sister’s birthday and I made her a cake and I brought it to the restaurant and they charged us cakeage.

It was $1.50 per person, which I thought was pretty reasonable.

The charge is for the work they have to do doing the dishes and also for the loss I guess because if you bring in your own cake, then you’re not going to order desert.

Have your heard the word cakeage before? You won’t find it in the dictionary because it’s a new word. I’m not sure when it was first used - I heard it for the first time this year. It follows the pattern of the word corkage, which is a similar thing.

corkage n. a charge made by a restaurant or hotel for serving wine that has been brought in by a customer

Have you ever been charged cakeage? If so, how much were you charged?

conversations with sarah
#866 Ten swimming pools?!

Step 1: Repeat Alice’s lines.
Step 2: Read Alice’s lines and talk to Sarah.

Alice Where did you go for dinner?

Sarah We went to an Indian restaurant in a suburb in Auckland called Parnell.

Alice Is that near where you live?

Sarah No, it’s a long way away actually. Parnell is near the CBD.

Alice Are there lots of restaurants there?

Sarah Yeah, there are. It’s a popular restaurant, bar, café kind of area. The prime minister lives in Parnell too in a mansion with, like, 10 swimming pools.

Alice Ten swimming pools?!

Sarah Well, maybe not 10. Probably just one actually, come to think of it. But it’s a pretty big house.

Alice Have you been there?

Sarah Yeah, John invites me round for dinks all the time. No, I just saw a picture in the paper.


And that was The Daily English Show. If you’d like to check out the links to the stuff I’ve talked about on the show today, please visit

See you tomorrow. Bye!


today's news


show start
artist: Kevin MacLeod
track: Future Cha Cha
from: Brooklyn, NY, United States
artist site

click here start
artist: #NarNaoud#
album: Green Vision
track: Oriental Standing
from: Gironde, France
artist at Jamendo
album at Jamendo
artist site

WOD start
artist: DJ iPep's
album: Home Mix 2007
track: Game Toy
from: Évreux, France
album at Jamendo
artist at Jamendo
artist site

cws start
artist: Kevin MacLeod
track: The Jazz Woman
from: Brooklyn, NY, United States
artist site

qa start
artist: ioeo
album: triptracks
track: triptrack2
from: Saint-Raphaël, France
album at Jamendo
artist at Jamendo

qa bgm
artist: Antonio Sacco
album: The Tribal Sin Vol.8
track: jungle love
from: Rieti, Italy
artist site

Did you notice a mistake in this script? Please leave us a comment and tell us! We really appreciate people pointing out our mistakes. Thank you.

Have you translated this script - or part of it - into your language for English practice and published it on your blog? Please leave a comment and a link so other people can read your translation. Thank you.