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Hi, I’m Sarah. Welcome to The Daily English Show.
Today I have some news to tell you. Next month, The Daily English Show is going to be moving to the other side of Canada. In September we’re going to be in Nova Scotia.
We’re going to be staying at a university called Acadia University.
Acadia University runs English language programs. And the guy that’s in charge of the international programs invited us to come to the university and produce The Daily English Show from there. So I’m really excited about that.
The university is in a town called Wolfville and it’s about an hour from Halifax.
We’ll be going there at the end of August or the start of September and we’re be staying in Nelson until then.
I’ll tell you more about our plans for Acadia later. But basically we’re just going to be producing the show from there.
So if any people happen to be watching this that are students or staff of Acadia University or people who live in that area. And ... especially if you’re interested in video production or language teaching ... then feel free to get in touch because maybe we could get together and share ideas or work on something together.
thedailyenglishshow at gmail dot com
Kia Ora, in Stick News today, a former All Black saved the day when he tackled another passenger on an aeroplane.
The All Blacks are New Zealand's national rugby union team.
Yesterday a former All Black was on a flight from Auckland to Wellington when an attack occurred inside the plane.
A 42-year-old man, who had a medical condition and hadn’t taken his medication, was punching another passenger.
The former All Black tackled the violent man and saved the day.
And that was Stick News for Tuesday the 7th of August.
Kia Ora.
conversations with sarah
#282 When did that guy from the university contact you?
Step 1: Repeat Brian's lines.
Step 2: Read Brian's lines and talk to Sarah.
Sarah I’d never heard of Nova Scotia until I came to Canada.
Brian Really? So you didn’t know much about Canada?
Sarah No, not much. I’d heard of Vancouver and Toronto but that’s about it.
Brian When did that guy from the university contact you?
Sarah It was a few months ago. I remember telling people I got an email from a guy in Nova Scottia – and they laughed at me.
Brian Oh, that’s funny.
Sarah It looks like that’s how you pronounce it though, eh.
Brian Yeah, true. It’s hard to know how to say place names.
today's news
today's STICK NEWS photos
Acadia Centre for International Languages
Acadia University
show start, cws start, qa start
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