Friday, November 17, 2006

#198 Day 17: Kutchan - Extreme Filth!

Watch today's show at YouTube or BlipTV.

The Road to Hokkaido Tour 2006
Day 17: Kuchan

Warning: This video contains disturbing footage of extreme filth. Viewer discretion is advised.

Last night after we finished moving in it started snowing properly ... what great timing. We’re so lucky we weren’t house hunting or moving in the snow.

We slept in the kitchen last night because it was the only clean room. Today we took it easy after yesterday’s major cleaning effort. I caught up on some editing. But didn’t upload anything.

NTT owns all the phone lines and they’re major sloths. They take at least a week to connect the phone line. Then it takes about another 10 days for an internet company to set up a connection. So we won’t have the internet for a while.
Today’s cleaning mission was the room next to the kitchen. It was really filthy.