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Hi, I’m Sarah. Welcome to The Daily English Show.
Today we have a special guest on the show again. I’d like to introduce the producer and star of the world’s first and only daily internet English language program – The Daily English Show.
Hi Sarah, thanks for coming on the show.
Hey. So ... what’s it like ... having Paparazzi chase you wherever you go?
Oh, It’s a pain in the arse.
Mmm, I can imagine.
So, what you do when they start crowding around you?
Mmm. I kick them.
OK.... Um, so, why do you think the show has been so successful ?
Well the presenter is just fantastic and the producer is too ... oh, look I don’t have time for any more questions. I’ve got to go to another interview.
Ooookaaaay. Wow. She was a bit full of herself. Hmm I hope the next guest we have is a bit better than that.
Anyway... I have another NZ beer ad to introduce today.
I think advertisements are really good for studying English. Because they’re usually short and entertaining and they usually contain some interesting and useful language.
This one is a new one I think. Well it’s new to me anyway ... I came across it on YouTube.
It’s set in a pub in heaven and three beer saints have to decide who deserves a DB. DB is a kind of NZ beer.
There are several interesting language points in this ad.
Firstly, the use of mate.
For example: Where you been mate? (You’ll notice that have has been left out – you can do that in informal speech, in NZ anyway).
Other examples:
Ah, nowhere special, mate.
Here you go, mate.
Mate is common in NZ and Australia and maybe England too ... I’m not sure.
In NZ it’s mostly used by men – but some women use it too.
If you’d like to try using it, you can just put it at the end of any sentence. You can put at the end of every sentence if you like.
Hey mate.
How’s it going mate?
Not bad mate.
Nice weather aye mate.
Yeah mate.
Want a beer mate?
Oh, cheers, mate.
No worries, mate.
To drop something off usually means deliver something or someone.
For example: drop the kids off to school.
But in this video he uses it literally ... to understate what he did – because he’s being modest.
Another interesting point is the notion that desk jobs or office jobs are somehow soft or less cool than non-office jobs like truck driving or sports like rugby.
I think this is common in NZ advertising.
And I think this is interesting if you compare it to the message which comes through with Japanese advertising which is that a desk job is ideal.
Kia ora in Stick News today the latest craze to hit Japan has caused a nation-wide Natto shortage.
Natto is a popular food in Japan, well known for its delicious taste and great health benefits.
But last week a celebrity announced on TV that natto was good for your skin. According to the pop singer and variety show presenter – washing your face with natto every morning will make you look 5 years younger and is 10 times more effective than Botox at eliminating wrinkles.
Japan is now gripped with natto fever. Millions of people have thrown away their usual beauty products and are now washing their face with natto.
And that was Stick News for Wednesday the 17th of January.
Kia Ora.
the snow report
There was no fresh snow today.
conversations with sarah
#156 What kind of facial cleanser do you use?
Step 1: Repeat Junko’s lines.
Step 2: Read Junko’s lines and talk to Sarah.
Junko What kind of facial cleanser do you use?
Sarah Ah, none. I just use water.
Junko Really?
Sarah Yeah. I don’t wear make-up so I don’t really need to use a cleanser.
Junko Why don’t you wear make-up?
Sarah No special reason really. I just personally don’t think make-up looks that nice. And I’d rather do other things with my time than put on make-up.
Junko Do women in New Zealand usually wear make-up?
Sarah Um, that’s an good question. I’m not sure what percentage of people do or don’t.
Well, let’s see what we’ve got today.
Hey Macca. Where you been mate?
Ah, nowhere special, mate. Just had to drop something off.
Well done. Well that man deserves a DB.
That man deserves a DB.
Here you go, mate.
Busy day? Oh, flat out.