Saturday, December 22, 2007

Show 588 Saturday 22 December

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The Wikipedia Song

Christmas Edition

Kevin Bacon

Bacon, the youngest of six children, was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and raised in a close-knit family in Philadelphia.


The city was once the second-largest in the British Empire, and the social and geographical center of the original 13 American colonies.

British Empire

Under increasing pressure from the abolitionist movement, the United Kingdom outlawed the slave trade (1807) and soon began enforcing this principle on other nations.

United Kingdom

More recent pop acts, including The Smiths, Oasis and the Spice Girls, have ensured the continuation of the UK's massive contribution to popular music.

Spice Girls

Riding a wave of publicity and hype, the group released their next singles, "Say You'll Be There" and "2 Become 1(the Christmas Number 1)", in October and December respectively.


Popular Christmas themes include the promotion of goodwill and peace.

Merry Christmas!

all quotes from Wikipedia


artist: Kevin MacLeod
track: Jingle Bells
artist site
download the song here

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